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Sunday, April 27, 2008

How much worth is your blog ? Sell and Buy Blogs !!

Most of the rookie bloggers maintains more than one blog.But in long run they give up.It is extremely difficult for part time bloggers to maintain multiple blogs.What should they do then for those blogs that are lying in dormant condition.Should they sell them? But where and on what basis? before selling one should know how much worth is their blogs? Answers to all these questions are very easy.There is a market place to sell the blog and it also tell you how much worth is your blog.You can even buy the blog.I tried to buy Techcrunch and found that it was way out of my reach.The estimated value of techcrunch was: $16,531,200 .You can also try if you want to sell or buy the blog or website.
Dnscoop, a domain value tool will provide you with the value of your blog when you enter the name of your blog. This value is calculated based on several factors shown above, including: Links, Traffic (Alexa), age of the domain, site category, domain keyword popularity, and overall occurrences of the domain name on the web.You can buy and sell established sites in the dnScoop Marketplace.

